
Saturday 28 February 2015

Confirmed! Dj Kalonje is happening tonight at Kilimo

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Amid rumours that he wont show up, Dj Kalonje proved the rumours wrong by officially posting a confirmation on his facebook page. This is good news to his diehard fans who will witness his live mix.

They say he never bores. Be ready getting high...you will probably love it. Rise up rise up rise up and show your love by showing up. Dont forget to come with your student ID(Which I suspect is not mandatory)

Here is what he posted. Enjoy comrades and take  care.

Student charged with rape claims he was re-enacting ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

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A first-year student at the University of Illinois in Chicago has been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman in his hostel room. According to The Independent , the 19-year old said he was re-enacting scenes from Fifty Shades of Grey.

Police say Mohammad Hossain told the woman to strip naked and then allegedly hit her several times after tying her to a bed and covering her mouth. The woman asked him to stop but Hossain continued with the assault.

Hossain claims to have got the idea from the sadomasochism-heavy Fifty Shades of Grey film, which has just been released.

The bio-nuclear engineering student has been banned from the UIC campus and charged with one count of aggravated criminal sexual assault.

Source: Capital campus

Thursday 26 February 2015


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I have found myself again asking nobody in particular this question of desperation.
Charity Maina, a third year student at Moi university died, NO, was actually brutally killed yesterday. The poor girl. I have learnt that the late Charity was an orphaned girl who has suffered the double tragedy of losing both parents at delicate age.

Fragile and destitute, her uncle adopted her. She worked her bruised self hard and right to secure herself a chance in university. The future looked bright and she was almost forgetting the tears of childhood and loneliness of orphaned life.
She devoted herself to hard work - and God. She was a CU leader, and if you won't find her in the library she was in the chapel!
The day we lost her she was supposedly Coming from the library. Working tirelessly to redeem her future and that of her dependants.
Unknown niggas rounded her, raped her repeatedly and brutally before struggling her to a painful death. They threw her mutilated body in the dark, mercilessly and gruesome. In the dead of the solemnt night we lost a jewel, a rare rose in the most cruel way. 

We may never Know what happened, but the awful reality is that Charity is dead, killed for a crime she never did. Her promising future has been numbed at the tip. Her dreams will be buried under the very soil she walked on while alive. What sin did she do to deserve this cruelty from this planet Earth.
Why did the killers pick her, an innocent naive orphaned girl who is trying to dust off painful past. An adorable girl busy serving God in her youth while her age mates her busy spoiling themselves with the pleasures of this life. I am heartbroken, downcast and bleeding inward. Why do misfortunes only run towards the weak, the innocent and the fragile. 

Why do bad things happen to good people?? Why did she have to die so cruelly, so unexpectedly , so unfairly. Why on earth and in heaven. What evil did she or her parents commit?
In solemn sincerity , R.I.P angel, your death has reminded me the fragility of life. I am torn and hopeful that one fair day bad things will stop haunting good people.

This article was pinned from facebook
Charity was a third yr Moi University student. #RipCharity

Two Campus Ladies Who Exposed Their Body Parts in Public!

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Two young ladies arrived at church wearing clothes that were quite revealing their body parts.
Here is what the pastor told them: He took a good look at them and made them sit. Then he said something that, they might never forget in their life. He looked at them straight in the eyes and said,
"ladies, everything that God made valuable in this world is well covered and hardly to see, find or get.
1. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.
2. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.
3. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers of rock and to get them, you have to work hard & dig deep down to get them. "
He looked at them with serious eyes and said,
"Your body is sacred & unique"
"You are far more precious than gold,diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too." 

So he added that, if you keep your treasured mineral just like gold, diamond & pearls, deeply covered up, a reputable mining organization with the requisite machinery will fly down and conduct years of extensive exploration. First, they will contact your government(family), sign professional contracts(wedding) and mine you professionally( legal marriage).
But if you leave your precious minerals uncovered on the surface of the earth, you always attract a lot of illegal miners to come and mine you illegally. Everybody will just pick up their crude instruments and think they can dig you. (propose to you anyhow n say that you are the most prettiest lady & have sex with you) That is Galamsey. (Prostitution, Hit & run, etc)
Women, don't open yourself for Galamsey operators. Keep your bodies deeply covered so that it invite professional miners to chase you. Let us all encourage our daughters of Zion (Ladies) to dress well & refrain from sexual immorality by sharing this story

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Tribalism is a disease of the past part 1

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The feeling it brings is unbearable. The hatred they portray is insane. It is the power of tribalism.. If once in your life you have been discriminated, do you remember how it felt? How about if you are forced to go through that for the rest of your life? Yes that feeling of self-unworthiness and the question “what's my crime?”
When discriminating someone on the basis of their tribe I wonder if you sit back and ask yourself how many application letters you sent to God to be born in the community you are today. Is your tribe is the perfect one? I guess the answer is 'NO'.  They say one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Do you think everyone would be so comfortable being a member of your tribe? Then why is it that you feel your tribe is superior to the others? Think about it and stop this insanity.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Male Student Rapes Lecturer in Kitui.

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A student at South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) in Kitui has been arrested after allegedly raping his University lecturer.
The heinous incident happened at dawn while the lecturer was in the office.
The lecturer was rushed to Kwa Vonza Dispensary for treatment. The penalty for rape is a minimum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment, which may be enhanced to life imprisonment. According to Kwavonza Lower Yatta OCS David Terer, the student, Joseph Mbenge has been arrested and he is being interrogated by police in Kitui while awaiting appearance in court.
Very weird.

Monday 23 February 2015

PHOTOs! Moi University burn police vehicle in demo against rape/murder of a female student

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5 things I would do different if I went back to campus

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I miss campus life and my crazy clique of ‘comrades’. However, what I don’t miss are the unwinding lectures of Prof. MK who spoke as if he had the monopoly on knowledge. I never liked him a bit. Especially after he failed me in second year exam, because he couldn’t read my handwriting. I’ve never forgiven him, and to date I still hope that the lighting that’s to strike him is still doing pressure ups. I later found out he had a thing for my campus old flame, the lovely Cindy Wanjiru, and I was simply an obstacle.
Speaking of Cindy, now that’s one damsel I would miss to the grave. Almost a decade later, the thought of Cindy still squeezes a naughty smile from my loins. Cindy wasn’t exceptionally beautiful, if that is what you expect. And since in those days buying a weave was equivalent to paying for a Vitz from a showroom, expectedly, her hair was dismal and her clothes basic. However, for what is worth, Cindy had a wicked and freakish aura about her that seemed highly undiscovered and unbuttered (read I suspected she was a virgin).
I remember the first time I bumped into her at the library. She was trying to reach for a book three feet above her head, when she caught me googling her ass. She slapped me with a disgusted look wives reserve for cheating husbands. Gently, I reached for the book on her behalf. She then slapped me with a blow job smile, and that’s when I whispered in her ear something to the effect of – she was so beautiful if I was the Vice Chancellor I would use all the HELB money to buy for her a virgin island in the Bahamas.
Thanks to Cindy, partly my campus days were memorable. However, if I was to get back to campus, the following are five things I would do differently:
1. I would party hard but study even harder 
I would be more focused and committed to my studies. I would invest a little more time cracking them books and planning for my career and future, as I would hit the dance floor, and popping them gin and juice. Over and above, I would have my priorities right. Having fun will certainly feature in my to-do-list. I would bubble-a-gal, party like a rockstar and definitely make-it-rain. Nonetheless, of ultimate priority will be chewing books, and graduating with nothing less than a first-class honours.
2. I would choose my friends wisely 
I wouldn’t waste time with people who don’t add value to my life. I wouldn’t tag along with people who we are going in opposite directions. I will surround myself with friends who are focused and they know where they are going in terms of their education, career and life. I would invest my time and energy in friends who are committed to make their lives better. Friends who are focused and principled. I would establish and maintain, in and out of campus, a dynamic web of networks, friends and people who will support my career and life. I would hang around eagles, not chickens, because eagles fly, chickens don’t.
3. I would save and investment the little coins I get my hands on
If there’s something I regret learning and starting to do much later in life is savings and investment. If I was back in campus, I would have a financial management plan to save, invest and begin to create wealth. Besides daydreaming about landing a lucrative managerial position in a blue chip company, I would also plan to start my own company or business after I graduate. I would invest in the stock market, on the farm back in the village and in some side hustle business. I would get a mentor, hang around chaps who have succeeded in life with the intentions of learning from the best. Finally, I would scramble for any information and courses that teach about savings, investment and wealth creation.
4. I would chase internship opportunities as if my life depends on it
I would chase every internship opportunity to build my CV and experience, and ultimately improve my chances of getting a nice job after I graduate. I wouldn’t wait to be shocked by prospective employers after I graduate about that experience monster missing on my CV. And for sure, I wouldn’t spend every three months of my semester holiday sleeping, watching movies and chasing after every little pretty thing squeezed in tight jeans. I would utilise the free time I get to build my career.
5. I would either take Cindy Wanjiru seriously, or simply leave her alone 
At the moment, Cindy owns a printing company in Nairobi that has 57 employees. As I was busy tarmacking after graduating, Cindy was busy building her empire together with her husband whom they met while in campus, after I dumped her because she wasn’t fun and outrageous enough. My point is this: if I was to get back in campus, I would either take the love bug thing seriously and build my life and future together with Cindy or I would simply leave her alone and concentrate in my studies. What I wouldn’t however do is get entangled in the drama and emotional baggage of chasing after every campus diva, while splashing around my few coins trying to impress every pretty thing.
For the chaps in campus, remember this: a wise man learns from other’s mistakes, while a fool learns from his own. The choices you make while in campus will certainly determine the course of your life. So, make it count. Class dismissed!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Changes in SUEU.

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Following the expulsion and suspension of some leaders, the following are some changes in SUEU.

Acting Chair - Juma(VC).
Acting Director Academics - Omollo(DHT)
Director Finance - Miss Omwamba(SECGEN)

The other positions remain as voted by you. Peace comrades.

For updates, follow us on twitter @EgertonLife

Moi University student attacked, rapped and murdered! #RipCharity

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Follow this twitter link for the unfolding story of the rape incident.

"Demonstrations following the death of a comrade at Moi University. Church services interrupted
#RIPCharity http://t.co/V8EUgMRfmB"

Friday 20 February 2015

Kenya Hakuna Ukabila?

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They Key Kenyan held positions.

The Army Commander Is John Karangi.

CBK Governor Is Njuguna Ndung'u.

NSIS Boss Is Michael Gichangi.

CID Director Is Ndegwa Muhoro.

Minister Of Finance Is Njeru Githae,whose Ps Is Joseph Kinywa.

The Head Of Pensions Is Anne Mugo,and The Auditor General Is Priscila Njeri.

KRA Boss Is John Njiraini.The Board Secretary At KRA Is Mrs Ng'ang'a.

Kenya Airport Authority MD Is Stephen Gichuki,and Whose Recently Joined By Erick Kiraithe After Failling To Secure The Inspector General Of Police.

At Kenya RE,the Board Chairman Is Nellius Kariuki.

CEO Of KPLC Is Joseph Njoroge.

CEO Of Kenya Pest Control Is Mrs Gladys Maina.

AG Is Githu Muigai.

The Solicitor General Is Muchemi Wanjiku,whose Deputy Is Muthoni Kamau.

Regester Of Political Parties Is Lucy Ndung'u.

Government Printer Is Andrew Rukaria.

Head Of Civil Service Is Francis Kimemia Repulacing Frances Muthaura.

KBC Managing Director Is Njoroge.


Pinned from facebook

Thursday 19 February 2015

Egerton University - Free Eye Camp

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Tuesday 17 February 2015

Babu Owino Exposed giving out 'Handouts'

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Friday 6 February 2015

Female university students establish sugar daddy dating website to fund their studies

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Hundreds of skint female British students have signed up to a sleazy dating website to meet 'sugar daddies' to fund their studies.

With university costs rocketing to £9,000 under the Coalition Government, young women are seeking older men to pay for their studying, household bills and even rent.

Nearly 2,000 females in the UK are registered on Seeking Arrangement, which aims to match 'sugar babies' with 'sugar daddies'.

The site boasts young women receive up to £3,000-a-month, 'shopping sprees' and 'expensive dinners' if they meet their match.

To earn this they will be asked to accompany mature men - many older than their fathers - to business trips, restaurants and holidays abroad.
Sugar daddies on the other hand are advertised a 'no strings attached' relationship with an 'up front and honest arrangement with someone who will cater to your needs'.
The founder of Seeking Arrangement, Brandon Wade, told student newspaper The Tab: "Love is a concept made up by poor people.

"At a time when graduates are guaranteed debt rather than a well-paying job, or even employment for that matter, Sugar Daddies are sought out for opportunity and not just financial stability.
"Four in 10 graduates struggle to find work, while three-quarters won't be able to pay off debt.
"Sugaring not only aids in the cost of pursuing an education, but a large majority of these men and women will have a more solid financial situation upon graduation-maybe even a job."

Universities are losing direction by teaching at the expense of research

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Towards the end of the First World War in 1917, students at Munich University, Germany, invited Max Weber, considered the father of social sciences, to deliver a lecture on the demands of a career in a university.
The result was the landmark text Science as a Vocation (Wissenshaft als Beruf) that continues to attract intense debate.
First, Weber used the German word “Beruf” deliberately to underscore the fact that a career in the academy is a calling; only select personalities are drawn to, and are fit for, a career in sciences. Fittingly, he used the term “scientist” to describe both the vocation and nature of a university lecturer.
While many see it simply as another way of earning regular wages, the academic must have both a commitment to science and an experience of science. The inspiration in the academy is not so much about teaching, but about research.
The role of science is to contribute as much as possible to the goal of improving our understanding of the world. Thus, a scientist must at all times be fascinated by a singular question or set of related questions.
The trouble in our universities is that teaching has eclipsed research. They are now spaces for transmitting “knowledge” in the form of notes and handouts rather than critical debate.
Weber warned against empty careerism in the academy. It is not for building status through lofty titles and making the most of the power that the lecture room confers the lecturer.
Few academics in Kenya are guided by “a single question”. As universities peg promotions on published papers, careerists have found means of getting publications without the research rigour that should accompany it.
Worse, universities reward such impunity by pegging promotions on quantity rather than quality. Cases of individuals coming up with dozens of publications in weeks are not strange.
We have scholars who appear to publish in every field, from construction, crop rotation, animal husbandry and tribal conflicts to language use. This is not science.
Matters have not been helped by the rise of pirate publishers promising academics that they can publish anything in any discipline within a month. Since few universities care where you publish, many local academics see nothing wrong in working with these “knowledge merchants” (mostly with Indian or Nigerian addresses).
In addition, many universities have launched in-house journals that, although well intentioned as a means of publishing local and mostly young scholars, are simply a way of getting ahead in the career game.
Most are either single-issues strategically designed at getting a particular promotion or at best, are terribly irregular, have no web presence and have virtually no readership beyond the faculty.
Universities are also to blame for perpetuating careerism. The dizzying expansion has stretched university human resources to the limits. A career in science cannot possibly go in tandem with the maddening teaching across campuses and satellite universities.
How can one teach courses in Nairobi, Mombasa, Garissa, Kitale and Narok within a week and still remain sane? The trouble with our case is that we confuse the spread of universities with depth of knowledge and research.
Science by its very nature is designed to be surpassed, or outdone by others. This means that academics must be engaged in continuous research and at the same time work with other researchers engaged with similar questions.
Unless more Kenyan academics become continuously engaged in research, the expansionist motif will only reproduce and mainstream mediocrity.
Being a great teacher does not necessarily mean one is a great scientist. Courses taught by great teachers are popular, while great scientists are more easily forgotten or appreciated too late.
Most university students are more impressed by classroom performance and theatrics than by the content of the lectures.
While it is possible to have a great teacher and a great scientist rolled into one, the trouble with our universities is that for every 10 great teachers we have, there seems to be only one scientist.
Dr Omanga is a lecturer in media studies at Moi University, School of Information Sciences (ankodani@yahoo.com)

Source: Nation

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Hilirious piece! Njuguna and Doctor

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A doctor(NYONGESA) decided to write on his new clinic-ANY TREATMENT IS KSHS.3000 AND IF WE CAN'T TREAT,WE WILL PAY YOU KSHS.5000.

Due to self-motivation, optimism, determination and all the entrepreneural aspects to get Kshs 5000,intelligent Njuguna came to the doc and said: I can't taste anything.

The doctor instructed the nurse to give Njuguna a few drops of medicine from box 22.

Upon taking the drops,Njuguna yelled,"oh STOP!It is urine!"

The doctor replied "Congratulations, your sense of taste is back now."

Njuguna was angry because he lost Kshs.3000

He came back two weeks later determined to clinch Kshs.5000.

The conversation below ensued between Njuguna and the doctor.

NJUGUNA: I lost my memory.

DOCTOR: Nurse!Kindly give this man a few drops of medicine from box 22.

NJUGUNA:Wait doctor! Isn't that medicine for taste?

DOCTOR: Congratulations,your memory is back!
Two words for the doctor.

Pinned from facebook.

Do You Have a Valentine Date..? If Not, Paul Kobia Has Big Plans For You

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For most unromantic men, in other words Kenyan men, Valentines could not have come at a worse day this year. Most times it falls on a weekday and hence men have the excuse of ‘work’ for not giving their women a special day, but since it comes on a Saturday this year, we’ll have to really get creative.

For those of you with no one to be with on this special day, controversial politician Paul Kobia is looking for you. He has something planned and all you need to do is inbox him.

Here’s what he said on twitter.

Astronauts in Space Passed Over Kenya Yesterday. This is What They Saw

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The International Space Station was yesterday directly over Kenya, albeit for a short period.

The massive habitable satellite is the largest artificial body in orbit and can be seen with the naked eye from the earth surface. It is a programme by several space agencies, including NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA).

It was ESA’s female astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti who made the announcement.

Tweeting from space, this is what she said.

Leaked PHOTO from a Nairobi Aviation Flight Simulation Class

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We’ve seen tens of memes about Nairobi Aviation, but this one is definitely one of those that stand out; A supposed Nairobi Aviation flight simulation class.

By now we know the graduates from there are not fully baked, but to what extent remains unknown. If this images portrays what is going on there, then we’re doomed.

Mau-Egerton University Cross Country 2015

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Calling on patners to join Egerton University in this noble cause.
Run for the Mau 7th Feb 2015.

The objective of this event is to:
1. Create environmental awareness.
2. Get more patners for rehabilitation of the Mau Ecosystem and Njoro River.

PRIZE MONEY:- Over 2M worth of cash prizes and trophies to be won.

INQUIRIES:- Games and Sports Department - Njoro Campus, Nakuru Town College, Nairobi  city campus, Baringo Campus.

VENUE:- Egertpn Unoversity Sports Ground.

REGISTRATION FEE:- Students(Pri & Sec) - 100/=, Adults 300/=, Corporate - 10,000/=

For more information please call:-
Tell: 0727003182 or 051-21173700
Email: maueuxcountry@egerton.ac.ke
Web: www.egerton.ac.ke

PAY BILL NO. 334550 ACCOUNT EGERTON(To buy a tree).

Tuesday 3 February 2015

University student burns down a church in Nairobi because of too much noise

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A 22 year old university student was charged in a Nairobi court on Monday with arson.

Newbon Kiroso, was seen leaving the compound of Voice of Jesus Fellowship Church in Rongai at around 1 pm last Thursday and a few minutes later, the church went up in flames.

In his hand was a liquid substance which he used to ignite the fire.

The prosecutor told a Kibera court that Kiroso has always complained of disturbance from the church because the choir played loud music and threatened to “do something if it doesn’t stop”.

Kiroso did not plead to the charges because his lawyer said that he had an appointment with his doctor. He is a patient at Chiromo Lane Hospital and also attends rehab at Emmanuel Resource Centre.

Principal magistrate, Bernard Ochoi, ordered that Kiroso be taken to a Government institution for mental check-up before he takes a plea. The case was slated for February 9 when a doctor’s report will be produced in court.

Some graduates may tarmac forever as LINUS KAIKAI introduces new laws at NMG.

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NTV’s Linus Kaikai, has introduced new laws at Nation Media Group that will render thousands of journalism graduates jobless.

The no-nonsense Director claims that he only recognizes graduates from Daystar University and so students from other universities and middle-level colleges can go to hell.

Human Resource officers at Nation Media Group have been ordered to give students from Daystar University first priority in-case of a job interview.

Kaikai believes that students from local Universities such as Nairobi, Moi, Jkuat and Kenyatta are just goons who waste their years in campus and fail to deliver in their work-places.

Kaikai has a bad mentality about students from middle-level colleges such as Zetech, Nairobi Aviation, NIBS and other city colleges. He refers to them as out-casts and good for nothing creatures who can't deliver in any-way.

In-fact, he has ordered their CVs burnt down in-case they apply for a job.

So next time you attempt to apply for a job at Nation Media Group especially in the TV department, mind your institution first.

Source: The Daily Post

Sunday 1 February 2015

Rose Muhando Explains Why She Procured An Abortion.

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Rose Muhando has an Islamic Background having been born into a Moslem Family, she attended Madrassa classes as a kid and converted to Christianity after recovering from an illness in which she said that She saw Jesus calling her out to minister to the  world.She started in the choir but later moved on to start a solo career.
 The electric dancer cum artist has never been married, citing that her duty to the world is to serve God alone, she however has 3 children and the identity of the father is not in the public domain. Over the past week there was news that she was being sought by the Tanzanian Authorities for terminating a 7 months pregnancy. (The Identity of the Father is not known) Her management has issued a statement saying that she terminated the pregnancy after she developed complications and was advised by the medics that her pregnancy portended danger to her health, compelling her to take up the only way out, Abortion.
Its still not clear whether action will be taken against her , which would see her spend around 7 years behind bars.

Rev Kathy Kiuna Is Alleged To Have Banned Poor People From Attending Her Church!

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Twitter has been ablaze after it was reported that Kathy Kiuna Of JCC has told off paupers who frequent her church, It has been said that at a sermon, Kathy said that people who come to her church must offer something as well as tithe. 
 The plot thickens since she is said to have suggested that all over Nairobi are other Worship houses that  can comfortably accommodate paupers. Kenyans have not taken in Kindly the remarks that Kathy allegedly made, especially owing that Kathy Herself came from a humble past.It is also alleged that she has advised poor female congregants to move to posh Estates and Get rich men to wife them. 
Scores of humanity has accused her of classism, she has introduced to her church, (where everyone is considered to be equal) the view that societies are supposed to be stratified into social classes, by making it harder for the poor folk to attend her ministrations. 
Rev Kathy is yet to comment on the allegations. Here are some of the  reactions on twitter. 
