
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Some graduates may tarmac forever as LINUS KAIKAI introduces new laws at NMG.

NTV’s Linus Kaikai, has introduced new laws at Nation Media Group that will render thousands of journalism graduates jobless.

The no-nonsense Director claims that he only recognizes graduates from Daystar University and so students from other universities and middle-level colleges can go to hell.

Human Resource officers at Nation Media Group have been ordered to give students from Daystar University first priority in-case of a job interview.

Kaikai believes that students from local Universities such as Nairobi, Moi, Jkuat and Kenyatta are just goons who waste their years in campus and fail to deliver in their work-places.

Kaikai has a bad mentality about students from middle-level colleges such as Zetech, Nairobi Aviation, NIBS and other city colleges. He refers to them as out-casts and good for nothing creatures who can't deliver in any-way.

In-fact, he has ordered their CVs burnt down in-case they apply for a job.

So next time you attempt to apply for a job at Nation Media Group especially in the TV department, mind your institution first.

Source: The Daily Post

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