
Wednesday 25 February 2015

Tribalism is a disease of the past part 1

The feeling it brings is unbearable. The hatred they portray is insane. It is the power of tribalism.. If once in your life you have been discriminated, do you remember how it felt? How about if you are forced to go through that for the rest of your life? Yes that feeling of self-unworthiness and the question “what's my crime?”
When discriminating someone on the basis of their tribe I wonder if you sit back and ask yourself how many application letters you sent to God to be born in the community you are today. Is your tribe is the perfect one? I guess the answer is 'NO'.  They say one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Do you think everyone would be so comfortable being a member of your tribe? Then why is it that you feel your tribe is superior to the others? Think about it and stop this insanity.

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