
Wednesday 4 February 2015

Mau-Egerton University Cross Country 2015

Calling on patners to join Egerton University in this noble cause.
Run for the Mau 7th Feb 2015.

The objective of this event is to:
1. Create environmental awareness.
2. Get more patners for rehabilitation of the Mau Ecosystem and Njoro River.

PRIZE MONEY:- Over 2M worth of cash prizes and trophies to be won.

INQUIRIES:- Games and Sports Department - Njoro Campus, Nakuru Town College, Nairobi  city campus, Baringo Campus.

VENUE:- Egertpn Unoversity Sports Ground.

REGISTRATION FEE:- Students(Pri & Sec) - 100/=, Adults 300/=, Corporate - 10,000/=

For more information please call:-
Tell: 0727003182 or 051-21173700
Email: maueuxcountry@egerton.ac.ke
Web: www.egerton.ac.ke

PAY BILL NO. 334550 ACCOUNT EGERTON(To buy a tree).

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