
Sunday 1 February 2015

Rev Kathy Kiuna Is Alleged To Have Banned Poor People From Attending Her Church!

Twitter has been ablaze after it was reported that Kathy Kiuna Of JCC has told off paupers who frequent her church, It has been said that at a sermon, Kathy said that people who come to her church must offer something as well as tithe. 
 The plot thickens since she is said to have suggested that all over Nairobi are other Worship houses that  can comfortably accommodate paupers. Kenyans have not taken in Kindly the remarks that Kathy allegedly made, especially owing that Kathy Herself came from a humble past.It is also alleged that she has advised poor female congregants to move to posh Estates and Get rich men to wife them. 
Scores of humanity has accused her of classism, she has introduced to her church, (where everyone is considered to be equal) the view that societies are supposed to be stratified into social classes, by making it harder for the poor folk to attend her ministrations. 
Rev Kathy is yet to comment on the allegations. Here are some of the  reactions on twitter. 


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