"Comrades MUST enjoy " - is the first commandment of comradeship. But what most people don't know is that it was amended in conjunction with HELB constitution act. Therefore, the complete clause is:. Comrades MUST enjoy HELB money!
The second semester will start next month January 2016 (as tweeted earlier) and most of the students are eagerly waiting for the money. Either to squander, pay bills or pay fees arrears. Due to pressure from most students, we contacted HELB and they were able to answer your queries.
Via Twitter, HELB said the second
disbursement will be issued in early January promptly before opening dates for all government sponsored (jab) and SSP (self sponsored students). Also first year's will be disbursed on the same month.
Kindly note that most updates are communicated to you via Twitter. Follow @EgertonLife and stay updated. Share this to others.
Happy holidays fam!
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