
Friday 16 October 2015

"You are cowards! You don't support your SUEU leaders" an angry student laments

This post pinned from our mail. From one among you.

Concerning the sueu election. we might say we want a leader who will support comrades bt lets look just be realistic. when Ongoma was expelled. I'm told comrades just kept quiet as they watched him going home yet he really struggled to see comrades happy. there is no need to lie each other that we want leaders who will help us yet we can't stand with them when they are made to account for our actions. leaders we will elect will feel afraid to fight for us coz they know we ain't supportive. We should just accept we are cowards n hence we can't fight for our rights. if we were United comrades n daring. Ongoma couldn't have been expelled. .......therefore voting for sueu is only bt useless till the day Egerton will have a new revolution

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