
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

BOOM! CABU GAH Blasts badly ROBERT ALAI Pants Down for his underbelly thoughts against the President. Hilirious piece!

By Cabu Gah


Yesterday,a photo-or a series of photos-rocked Kenya's social media. It was a photo of His Eminence(Yes,Eminence)Uhuru Kenyatta NOT ONLY dressed as a pallbearer but also ACTING as One.

A PALLBEARER is; One of several funeral participants who helps carry the casket of a deceased person from a religious or memorial service or viewing directly to a cemetery or mausoleum. And Uhuru clearly relished that role. And lived it out to the maximum.

Predictably,social media was awash with adulations and praises to the President,terming his PALL-BEARING act as largely 'HUMBLE'.

But Robert Alai,in his characteristic comportment,has this morning,not surprisingly, dismissed the President's act of walking down the funereal aisle with his right hand firmly holding onto a coffin's rails. Alai,obviously,saw it differently and,as usual,has already animadverted the President's act callingbit typical and not praiseworthy. Ok,Fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Or delusion. And Alai is quite in order.

Humility can be translated differently by different cultures or people. But FAITHFULNESS REMAINS the same. Everywhere in the World.

What may be "Humble" to Cabu Gah may appear "Pretentious" to Robert Alai.


.A FAITHFUL person keeps it REAL.

.A faithful person will be there. FOR YOU.Every step of the Way.

. A Faithful person shows emotions...Real emotions towards You.

.A Faithful person REMEMBERS You

. A Faithful person Rewards You.

. A Faithful Person Keeps his promises

. A Faithful Person stays TRUE.

Say what You may about Kenyatta, call him all the names You please, harangue and lambaste his leadership record as much as You may,BUT ONE THING WILL ALWAYS REMAIN: UHURU KENYATTA is FAITHFUL.

I remember an interview that was done on August 15th by the Standard Media. They were interviewing a section of the people who were nominated to ambassadorial positions by the President.

One of the people was Robinson Njeru Githae-a man who had,until now,totally faded to political oblivion and obsolescence. Githae was asked to describe what he felt about bring nominated as Kenya's Ambassador to Washington, D.C.

Githae said,and I quote, "I was watching the news on TV, when I saw the breaking news. I was not really expecting it, but I was extremely happy. I want to thank the President from the deepest point in my heart for this big honour.."
He added,
"I am happy that the President remembers me. But let me tell you, the President does not forget his friends."

Ask ANYONE who has ever interacted with President Kenyatta....And they will tell You one straight thing; UHURU DOES NOT FORGET HIS PEOPLE.

This is the same Man who invited a newspaper vendor to State House for a luncheon. Yes,the little newspaper vendor who has been selling him newspapers daily for the last 30 Years.


Uhuru is the same man who,out of his inordinately busy daily schedule,remembered to send a gift to Gospel Artiste Rufftone on his Wedding two weeks ago.


Uhuru is the same man who,when a Nairobi Star Newspaper journalist introduced himself as ,"Greetings Mr. President, My name is Oliver Wambugu..."at a State House function,the President said," I know You..." And even though Oliver and Uhuru had met many many years earlier. He still remembered little Oliver.

Believe Me,that's FAITHFULNESS.

Uhuru is the same man who,even though he knew he would catch major flak for it,went ahead to nominate Charity Ngilu and Balala to Cabinet. He risked harsh criticism. But he had to REMAIN LOYAL to the two politicians who LOST their seats for supporting him.

Trust Me,that's LOYALTY.

We all know HOW terribly Kibaki treated his political BEST FRIENDS....Yes,what he did to Martha Karua after she single-handedly saved his face throughout the 2007/8 debacle. Sad.

But unlike other Kings and Queens and Lords and Superstars who FORGET EVERYONE they knew during the days of struggle, Uhuru has remained FAITHFUL. LOYAL. TRUE. AND REAL.

Damn,that's MY KIND OF FRIEND.

And I hear that Uhuru still drinks with the same buddies he used to drink with before he was even Gatundu MP.

I know people who will TOTALLY forget You if they ever got elected as an MCA. What a shame.

Robert Alai,if You dont want us to call Uhuru humble,Fine,we won't. But atleast allow us to call him FAITHFUL.

Because HE IS.


If a Man can keep it REAL with Me till the day I die,I DON'T CARE whether they are Humble or Not. I want LOYALTY.

Uhuru kind of Loyalty.FOREVER.

1 on: "BOOM! CABU GAH Blasts badly ROBERT ALAI Pants Down for his underbelly thoughts against the President. Hilirious piece!"
  1. So faithful means acting as the President of Kenya, while throwing crumbs to your sycophants (like daddy) and screwing the country.
