
Thursday 4 June 2015


 Sincere gratitudes to you sir for the two terms you have served egerton and bring good relation with students, teaching staff, nonTeaching, community, nationally and internationally.

Secondly you have improved the status quo of egerton than u found it! If there was another term you will have sailed through without any challange because so far we are seeing good works of your hands! To just name a few:

1. Online registration which has upgraded egerton to be fully iso standard. Also has reduced long queques in students finance.

2. Improvement of lecture halls to be modern and fit 21stC education system.

3. MOST OF ALL SECURITY TO STUDENTS and every individual within campus by providing intensified security system also by increasing security personnel. But more is strengthening by FULL TIME ELECTRIC PERIMETER FENCE to ensure safety and security to everyone in campus during current target to highly populated areas and institutions.

4. Provision of exam materials be it during cats and even main exams:; this brought relief to students especially on cats which they dont need to look for materials to put their answers.

5. Completion of academic block increasing lecture halls to lessen collision of lecturers in timetable. Also to bring real science department to where it deserves as per the standard of buildings.

6. Completion of students Hostels which are of high standard n quality class which has reduced accomodation shortage by 30%. Also esuring they attend lectures on time.

7. Building of bridge connecting campus and Njokerio market. This has ensured the students acces the market without any phobia of bridge breaking during heavy rainy seasons.

8. Increasing the number if buses. This has increased academic trips organised by departments being easy to attend because of atlst availability of transport.

HEKO KWAKO Proffesor. I Kindly request before you hand over mantle 
come the time your time ends.  Kindly consider registration time two weeks is very short. Extend till to almost the semester is collapsing to accommodate every student to study without getting their attention diverted to where to find fees.

Note: This post was sourced from facebook.
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