
Sunday 15 March 2015

Omollo Fredrick - DHT speaks out about the double abortion tragedy

Amid silence in SUEU, we managed to contact the DHT and below is his opinions about the yesterday drama. Note that this is not political affiliated against other SUEU officials. We only contacted him.
"It is a  very obnoxious and inhuman act to kill such innocent beings.Abortion cases in campuses have caused discomfitures and discomposures among the innocent Kenyans who find it cumbersome to condone such  and I invite public health sector to indulge necessarily.  At times we blame ladies but it's  high time we started putting blames both on the hawk and the chick.Why do you go sleeping around with ladies without protection when you know that you can't stand the responsibility.  This does not either guarantee ladies to keep the pregnancy when they already know what awaits. There is no need of allowing the pregnancy to grow for that Long only to abort when it is few weeks to birth.Damn l it! An action that will be auctioned by the Vice chancellor will be put in place beginning next semester to register all pregnant ladies, custodians are advised to take keen watch over ladies.Should any abortion take place,we will be going through our records to Confirm the conditions of the registered pregnancies.  We will curb this,I give my word. Abortion is a criminal offence that will be dealt with per square inches in a legal way. We won't relent. It is enough!" ~ Omollo
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