
Sunday 30 November 2014

Did Huddah Lash Out At Vera Sidika? Again

Did Huddah Lash Out At Vera Sidika? Again
The battle don't stop! Seems like the war was far from over, let me distance myself from the melee though, you never know, shrapnel may fly my way. I love my face, and lots of other things too. 
So Yesterday Huddah posts a TBT of her as a sweet cuddly brown skinned baby, however, It seems that the photo was not all,she chose to add a rather suggestive caption"TBT, light skin since birth! How many girls can throwback their baby pics? The only thing missing is my weave and lipstick"
what exactly did Huddah mean? That she was a natural light skin since birth? Well pretty much that, she went on to ask "How many ladies can post their throwback pics as kids? Probably this was meant to ask:- Can people recognize your throwback photo if you posted one? Huddah went on to say, "The only thing missing in her baby photo was her weave and lipstick" This means that she has remained the way she was born years ago, and the only alterations are lipstick and weave. 
Do you smell a rat here?

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