The women who are located all around the world have permission to do abortion and according to a research there are various kinds of side effects mentally and physically.
1. The problems after the abortion will takes place less than 1 out of 100 first trimester abortions. But late-term abortion problems occur in 1 out of every 50 women.
2. As the hormonal changes in case of pregnancy, abortion can cause psychological problems like post-abortion syndrome which can occur in the form of clinical depression, substance abuse, eating disorder and anxiety disorder.
3. According to a research there are various kinds of side effects related with women after an abortion such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, spotting and nausea.
4. There is chance of serious problem that can take place in case of abortion which includes long-term effects like scarring, infections, damage to the cervix, heavy bleeding and there are chances of death.
~ LadySpeak
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