
Friday 4 July 2014

Hilirious! Clueless Wife asks world cup questions.....Must read!

Wife:- sweety, which teams are playing today?

Hubby:- There is no match today.

Wife:- ooh! It's over? So who won?

Hubby:- it's not over, they are just resting today

Wife:- Ooooh... Are they on halftime?

Hubby:- ah sure they are on halftime

Wife: so when are they starting the second half

Hubby:- (bored) Tomorrow

Wife:- So Drogba will be playing tomorrow?

Hubby:- His team was knocked out.

Wife:- Haa so which team is remaining?

Hubby:- Uruguay.

Wife:- The one that suarez plays for?

Hubby:- (happy) YES!

Wife:- At least we will watch Suarez.

Hubby:- Suarez was banned. He will not play any more.

Wife:- so they will play with less players?

Hubby:- No, they will get someone else

Wife:- Who will they put?

Hubby:- (Angry) I DONT KNOW!

(loong silence)

Wife :- (innocently) hope they put Drogba.


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