
Friday 18 September 2015

Drama as professor Munene turns tables during VC interview, Omwamba reports

Yesterday was a long, long awaited day for Egerton society (both students and management). Interviews for the Vice Chancellor's post kicked off well in the morning with everyone keenly following to hear the proceedings for two of our own who have continually shown their interest in the students among the list shortlisted Professor Kahi and Proffessor Rose Munya only for Proffessor Njenga Munene DVC Administration and Finance to turn tables around seeking a court order to stop the process citing biasness and lack of transparency which we all know was not the case..

As the students, we might be wrong and we have always stood to be corrected, for a serious post like this which is equal to a CEO of an institution which literally runs the whole University, do we need prowess in research, a good academician or a good administrator? Well, it comes as a package but most importantly a good administrator which Munene Njenga did not qualify.

My dictionary defines an administrator as the person who governs exercising of authority (yet he over-exercised his authority as the acting Vice Chancellor during Ongoma's case by overruling a two years suspension to an expulsion), that person who manages affairs of a group especially the groups business whom in this case are the students.

Comrades, we have walked in offices seeking that students be allowed to register with 60% or atleast be give rooms as we wait for helb loan disbursement, speaking out for the needy students who only depend on bursaries and sponsorships, don't even imagine how many times we were frustrated by his office claiming that regardless of the situation University statutes say that students should complete paying their school fees before end of two weeks. In short,

Prof Munene does not believe in fairness, he calls it biasness instead, he does not bend a law to favor the majority when there is need (students in this case), instead he believes that even in democracy rules must be followed.

So, do we need an implementer of University statutes or a students centered Vice Chancellor? The answer is obvious. Yes, Munene can make a really good researcher a good academician but not good for the welfare of the students. Egerton has had enough, students have suffered enough, all we need is new Vice Chancellor as early as yesterday. Any delays even if it's for a day, is justice delayed to comrades.

We are already late for development, we do not have time for court cases. When a student is wrong, administration always take action, this time round an administrator is wrong, do not allow comrades to take action on you. For comrades to enjoy, this pettiness has to stop, all we need is a new dawn for Egerton. I rest my case!
Angeline Omwamba

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