
Saturday 23 May 2015


"Hey beb? There is a problem, please come to my room now," Joy pleaded over the phone.

The faintness in her voice signalled a woman in desparation, she has never talked that way before.
Before i could ask what the matter was, her phone went dead!

My heart raced and made my entire chest to tremble like an athlete who had just crossed the final line of the Marathon.

"Whats the matter, Dan?"

"DAN?" I heard Raphael ask.

My minds were lost in thoughts as i was trying to figure out what might be the problem.

"Something is not good,please accompany me to Joy's room." i requested my friend Raphael,who had come to visit me.

"Trouble? Hehe, Ladies are smart Dan, am certain Joy is pregnant! She is going to break the news to you, yeah maybe," Raphael joked as he convinced my mind otherwise.

"Through Osmosis? " i joked and we bursted into laughter.

Deep inside my heart, i wasnt worried about Joy getting pregnant. She was the only woman i loved and she loved me much.
I remember, when i joked and told her that i would love to be with her in the labour room. She just laughed, her cheecks drawing the two beautiful dimples and said,
"wow! Look at you handsome one, hope its soon beb"

Her words made perfect sense to me. Inside i knew Joy was a true love.
I smiled as this thought flashed my mind.
I stayed back and decided to go through to her room later in the evening.
We engaged in boys talk with Raphael untill the sun was nearly going down the West horizon.

That fateful day,as i was going to Joy's room my phone vibrated , glancing at it, It was Beverly text.

"Hey you? You thought i wont discover you are dating Joy? Go get her in her room. Pathetic!

I quickly sniffed smoke,it dawned on me that fire was razing down somethng. And all was not well.

As i quickly connected the desparate call Joy gave me, i sped and charged towards her room in Maringo Hostels.

The dark clouds were slowly encroaching the clear skies.
A few students trodded the pavements heading in different directions.
At a hazy distance, the buzzing music could be heard roaring from students owned woofers within the hostels.
The compound around Maringo was calm and peaciful.

The calmness around made fear to take the better of me.
As i beat my pace, i arrived at Joy's door, the lights were off and the music was loud, it has never happened before and there and then, I sensed danger.

I knocked on her door severally but there was no response.
From her system, Whitney Houston's song buzzed,
'If tommorow was a judgment day, and the Lord asked me what i did with my life, I would say i spent it with you..
Coz my love is yo love and yo love is my love.

It was her favourite tune..
While standing at the door,a text message made my phone to vibrate again.

It was Bever,
"How are you feeling playboy?"

I wondered why she textd me that way.
I ignored her and pushed the door open.
The door opened slightly as it was blocked by somethn on its way.
I tried to get my head inside but i couldnt.

"Beb! Bebz! JOY!" i shouted my fiance's name but no response!

I muscled up and pushed the door inside. It dragged something on the flow.
As i pushed the door,it was almost halfway open, when i slid and landed on the floor.

Before, my head could touch down, i stretched out my hands quickly to support and preventing my body from landing with a thud.

I quickly stood up. To my greatest shock,my hands were wet with a sticky fluid that had a smell of human blood.
I hurried reached for the wall switch and turned the lights on.

My entired body trembled, my heart sunk with pain as a light and watery liquid dripped out of my nostrils.

My legs couldnt support me anymore.
I had no energy to shout for help!
The scene was horrifying and terrifying.
My eyes transfixed at one point.

Part 2 Loading.