
Sunday 10 May 2015


What entrepreneurs should take note of, is that entrepreneurship is titanic war that never ends, however, it is good that the winner always has a price and it is success.What is less obvious are the valuable lessons entrepreneurs can learn from the challenges along the way. Whether you love it or hate it, here are seven key lessons every entrepreneur can learn from possible challenges along the way :

1. Age is a state of mind.
Not only does challenges exemplify the idea that age is a state of mind, it is not about the age but how your are prepared all along for the challenges and how to encounters them. When it comes to her age,whether you are young or old it doesn't matter you can make it.

2. Ignore the haters.
Entrepreneurs inevitably encounter naysayers on their road to success. Successful entrepreneurs are those people who focuses on the positive and aim to pushing forward and ignoring naysayers. Learn perseverance in the face of negativity since the harder the battle the sweeter the win.

3. Take care of yourself.
As an entrepreneur, your personal health and well-being is of the utmost importance.Many entrepreneurs end up putting their own health on the back burner. This is a big mistake. You need physical endurance to make the hard journey, which is full of stress and is physically, emotionally and mentally taxing.

4. Turn lemons into lemonade.
As an entrepreneur, you will encounter inevitable setbacks. The key will be your ability to turn such crises into opportunities.Luck favors prepared minds so you should be prepared always.

5. Think about succession planning early.
When entrepreneurs involve their children in their business, kids learn valuable like skills such as responsibility, while founders gain priceless extra time with their . Success is never complete without a successor so they say and for this reason succession planning for the day when you are ready to hand over the reins will be a way to go.

6. Think differently.
Entrepreneurs have never been afraid to think differently. The ability to think outside the box and create something brand new is one of the most important and essential elements to being a successful entrepreneur.

7. The show must go on.
If you fall, pick yourself up and keep going, because no matter what, the show must go on!