
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Egerton Campus Life Facebook group hits 40K+ Members | A brief history

As we commemorate this milestone, we would like give special thanks to Frank Quest and James Last , G7 family, class of 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 who are the pioneers of EGERTON CAMPUS LIFE. 

Nobody is celebrating but it is important we recognise the group and its benefits. Lets take a brief history of our beloved University. 

Egerton University was founded in 1939 and was originally named Egerton Farm School. It was established by a large land grant of 740 acres (3 km²) by Lord Maurice Egerton of Tatton. The school's original purpose was to prepare white European youth for careers in agriculture.
By 1955, the name had changed to Egerton Agricultural College. A one-year certificate course and a two-year diploma course in agriculture were offered. In 1958, Lord Egerton donated another 1,100 acres (4.5 km²) of land. Soon afterward, the college opened its doors to people of all races from Kenya and other African countries. The first African principal, Dr. William Odongo Omamo, was appointed in 1966.

In 1979, due to support from the Government of Kenya and USAID, the college expanded yet again. It became a part of the University of Nairobi system.
In 1987, the College was finally recognized as a Chartered Public University.

Now you know!  

In 2005, the university established a partnership with Western Michigan University that allows students to complete half of their degree at Egerton and finish their studies at WMU in a choice of Computer Science, Engineering and Business Administration. I don't understand why this isn't happening or maybe it is a rumour.
Besides all the trolls, the group has been used by student leaders to update/news to students on various University functions, during campaigns, information sharing among students, jokes and leisure reading when bored. 

With the advancement of technology,  the group has given life to bloggers who generate a good traffic from it. But I would like to raise a complaint against them.  Please be sharing at least two posts daily to STOP spamming the group with many posts(which sometime are unnecessary) or we will tell the admn to be approving posts.  

There is also the bad side of the group. Sometime we see posts which perpetrate tribalism,  ponorgraphy and cyber terrorism which in infuse fear to  students just to mention a few.
Beside all these,  the University remains united.  This is clear by students from different parts of the country studying and living together, mingling,  dating ... without favor of tribe, religion,  gender, background or race.

Remember what brought you at Egerton University. There will come a time when everybody currently here will leave this place.  So let us all embrace each moment we are here.  Shalom!

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