It came as a disappointment to many after learning that Tv queen
Janet Mbugua was dating and getting married to Eddie Ndichu a banker. We
had loved to idolise her from her appearances on the Tv, The idea that
she would at sometime marry a lucky Gentleman was vague, but it happened
all the same. She got engaged to Eddie Ndichu in a Invite-only party
at her parents home at the coast late last year.
Eddie Ndichu posted on His Instagram an update about the possibility of his "wife" getting twins, 

According to an unconfirmed off-the chart website, paternal instincts are possible and many men can actually tell the gender of the baby that will be born to them. Much like Eddie Did! In his case, he was able to tell that He and his wife will probably be getting twins! Whether by hunch or by telepathy, Eddie seems to be communicating to the world that He and Bae are actually expecting "Company" in a couple of months.
Source: Ghafla
According to an unconfirmed off-the chart website, paternal instincts are possible and many men can actually tell the gender of the baby that will be born to them. Much like Eddie Did! In his case, he was able to tell that He and his wife will probably be getting twins! Whether by hunch or by telepathy, Eddie seems to be communicating to the world that He and Bae are actually expecting "Company" in a couple of months.
Source: Ghafla
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