
Monday 14 July 2014

PART THREE!!!! SEX; Terrorised by Lesbian Teens- high school girls. Hilirious and shocking!




As we approached the toilets,I heard muffled noises emanating from that direction.

It was dark and chilly...and they had put out the phone light.

We approached...Closer...Closer.. walking by the tips of our feet . Trying our best to remain anonymous... Holding our breath and craning our necks.

I heard noises reminiscent of the noises made by a passionate smooch...And I knew that these girls had been engrossed in deep smooches...

"Maya..." I called out.

There was silence...a brief silence.. followed by a flickering light dispensed from their mobile phone...

"Hamida..." I called again.

"eeeeh..." Hamida answered... stepping out from the dark loo. clearly,adjusting her blouse...

Maya tottered right after her.. Head bowed down...And hair unkempt.

I harshly reprimanded them for DARING to sneak out in the dark ONLY to participate in carnal activities.

" Mlikuwa mnaduu??" I asked Maya, angrily.

"Gosh...si tulikuwa loo...Gosh ! Ken! Seriously??" Maya flusteredly answered.

"For half an hour??"

"Aaaiii si nijuu naumwa na tumbo! Gosh!"

Hamida shot back, her defense game higher than a weed man.

"really?...sawa...twendeni kwa hao .." I said,exasperated.

Kev just stood there...staring into the dark...Unsure of now to react or what to say.

It was dark. And chilly. All the neighbors were asleep. Dead asleep, I guess.

We tip-toed back into our house flipped the door curtain aside and crept in surreptitiously.

Maya was the last one to get in. And as I was turning away from the door after ensuring that it was tightly shut, I saw a figure flit across the window. I thought it would be some random neighbour dashing to the loo...Or the caretaker.

And as I was bending over to try and slip into bed...I saw the figure again...A dark figure, flitting across the window from the outside...and just then, I thought I saw the loose curtains flutter in the wind and I heard abmuffled sigh.

Kev heard the sound too...and saw the figure.

"Umeona? Umecheki??" Kev asked, quick...

"Eeeh I guess ni Caretaker...Ama neighbour tu..." I said to Kevin hopeful and confidently.

The girls cuddled up...And slipped m under the sheets.

I crept into the sheets myself...And nudged Kev to push a little further..and create space for Me.

Barely 10 minutes after I crept under the sheets, I heard a buzz on my phone. An indication of a text message.

It was now 1.50am. In the morning.

I reached out for my phone...In the dark...and couldn't trace it... I stretched my hand further...still covered up in the sheets...But frantically trying to feel my phone from around the floor...

I felt it. And dragged it under the sheets. And then I put it on to read the text....

"Aaaaah zima phone baana..." Kev protested.

"Nazima Man...Kiasi tu..." I assured him.

I had received ONE TEXT MESSAGE..
..From Maya.

Yes, THE SAME Maya sleeping one meter away from Me.

I opened up the text to read it ...

'Kwani umedoz? ' Maya had texted.

'Nope. Kwann?' I replied.

'Aki 2naxskia baridi..' she replied.

My phone beeped again after receiving that text.

"Aaaaah zima phone Man! Ai ! Ni saa saba banaa !" Again, Kev  remonstrated.

"Naziiima Boss. Nazima ,dakika moja..."

"Weka silent basi...Madame watakuua Boss...yaani mnachat hadi saa nane usiku ??" Kev responded, and slithered back to slumber.

'Qwani wot z h sayn ?' Maya texted.

'Hehe Ati nizime fon...' I replied.

'Haha,c u kam join us...' Maya replied.

'Haha u crazy! '

'No,am ciriuoz. lyk,kam join us,juz dat. Plz...'

'Why' I asked.

'Its cold,duh? Ur plc z cold aki,plzz. plus tunaskia uwoga...'

'Hehe....Ok,u nid to slp Maya. Seriously. Doze. Talk kesho..'

'Ken pliiiz,nthn wl hppn, juz join us.."

'Na Kevo....?'

'si ashaadoze. Come on!'

I listened to Kevin. He was deep asleep...and snoring for that matter....

Temptations ran HIGH....HIGH.. HIGH....

'sooo?' Maya texted.

'Hmmm am confused...' I replied.

'aaaiii kam! B a man! Its nthn big! Come on!'

I must have sat up on my mattress for a whole 15 minutes...unsure of whether to join THEM or Not.

My blood is pumping hard..My body is getting sexually illuminated....Am breathing hard...

Its 2.20am.

Still cold. Still Dark. Very Dark.

Kev is asleep now. Sleepy as Death.

I crept out of bed...And wriggled over to the bed...

I stepped into it...And felt Maya's warm hands embracing Me.....

'Ingia' she whispered.....

Breath's getting stronger....and stronger...

Hamida turned around....And sat up....

'Ingia katikati....' Hamida said.

I obliged. Horny as a homeless dog.

Maya and Hamida were STARK NAKED. Nude as the Moon.

As I squirmed under the warm sheets, I felt Maya's strong, nubile breasts pressing against Me.

"Toa tishoo...' Maya said, helping Me undress.

I did.

Breathing's getting STRONGER. I could blow UP RIGHT NOW!!!

Maya carefully jumped On Me.. and slithered her way right up and down my torso....My chest... I could feel Hamida pulling down my pants...

"No....am NOT READY FOR th...' I started saying before Maya leaned over and blacked out my speech with an Almighty kiss.....

I could feel Maya's firm breasts pressing against My chest...And I could feel her heartbeat...it was strong and fast and loud...

Kisses flowed ...Flowed endlessly... And then I felt the velvety soft hands creeping up my thighs.. stroking Me,teasing Me...reaching for the D...

Those were Hamida's hands....she rubbed my thighs...And reached up further for the prize..

Maya pushed herself up and sat on MY FACE!!! SHE SAT ON MY FACE!!!

And slowly and craftily, Maya moved her pelvic area around my face.....


And as she sat on Me,My manhood blew Up!!! I got hard. Harder than the Pythagoras theorem.

Maya moved her goodies across my face....And pressed against Me. ..Hard...she sat on Me....on My mouth....

Hamida, on the other hand was busy blessing me with a thousand offering of a job better known as a BLOW...

"suck Me..." Maya ordered.

And suck I did. Hard. Every little drop of her Juice. I SUCKED.

Maya then climbed down prostrated herself on the bed looking up and commanded Me,

'Kuja Juu...' she whispered.

Hard, I BOUNCED ON HER and buried Myself between her cleavage... Boob By Boob...Nipple by Nipple...I worked on those twins...And painted them in the Colours Of Love...

She cooed and moaned and sighedband dug her nails into my back...

"Go Lower....' she commanded.

Hamida shot up...And went straight onto Maya's Head...And sat on her face...

Hamida's back was facing Me...And her naked butt was facing Me too.. dancing and moving...Her butt crack shimmered under then late night light....and I could see a huge dragon tattoo above her ass...

I grabbed Hamida's breasts....And pulled her Over...

" Go LOWER! LOWER!! ' Maya Ordered, taking a break from  sucking Hamida's Juices.

I went LOWER....And LOWER...

And Maya lost herself...

And as I went there, my head totally buried into her secret garden, she threw her legs tightly behind Me and pushed my head deeper into her....

Her legs grabbed Me tight...And Hamida pushed

My head EVEN DEEPER...

And as my tongue came into the warm contact of her 'other lips' I could feel that she had a ring... a cold, metallic ring clashed against my teeth and I immediately knew that she had pierced her outer private parts...I stroked the ring.. Carefully and .tenderly...while running my tongue down the sweet valley....licking up the juices and sending her into a World of sheer Nirvana....

I flickered my tongue around the gate of her Kingdom playfully, and m when I pushed it in, she grabbed My head and pushed it hard...Deeper...

"Ingiza Yote...' she implored between deep, erotic breaths...

And when she grabbed a pillow and placed it under her butt stretching her dainty legs widest and starting to gyrate and wiggle her waist, that's when I KNEW it was TIME FOR ACTION. REAL, FULL ACTION!!

Let's DO THIS! I said to Myself.. Eating her out like a hungry Civil War survivor...

Hamida leant over and whispered to Me,

"I've NEVER BEEN with a Man..."

And I whispered back, "I will make You FORGET WOMEN..."

Immediately Hamida leapt over laid on the bed facing up, grabbed me over and Commanded Me!!


I jumped onto her, grabbed her by her head, threw My arms around her neck, bent over,felt her breasts against My body and then Ibfelt her hand reach down to my Manhood.....

"INGIZA..." she commanded.

I tried mentally locating the sweet valley....I missed and went hardvinto her ass...TWICE!

She shrieked... And offered to helpcMe out....

She grabbed it and breathing hard and moaning harder,bPUSHED my D into HER...

I WENT IN.....it was the smoothest warmest slide into Heaven...

she closed her eyes, threw her head back and sighed loudly...

I was supporting myself with My right hand as I was busy pumping and thrusting and pushing and bombing the daylights out of Hamida...

I lifted her left leg high....And placed it on my shoulder...I bent her over slightly to her side and pulled her closer to Me...I pushed it in...So hard, so perfectly and so deeply I could almost feel her heart with my German Machine...

I was sweating hard...And Hamida was in another World...totally lost on the Moment...

Maya grabbed my left hand...Quick ..and led me over to her bosom.... I felt them..the twins... the boobies.. and I fondled them and played them one by one...Like a sexual musical instrument...grabbing the nipples proper..twisting and twingling them....

And then Maya grabbed my hand again...And led me towards her secret garden...her sweet valley.. she was now so damn wet...wetter than a cold July Morning in Limuru..

She carefully picked out my index finger andvmiddle finger...And m gently, slid them into her...into her warm, cushy valley of pleasure.. My fingers went in..In...In...

Maya blacked out. Engulfed in cataclysmic pleasure.

And as I looked up in order to change styles, I saw the same dark figure flit across the Window again. ..I felt a sudden deep cold strike across my ass....And the window curtain flipped again....And when the bed shook, Hamida laughed...

And soflty said,'shalaka...'

My heart froze.

These girls MUST Be Evil...

"Kevo..." I called out,hunched over Hamida but still deep inside her...

"Ebu enda kwa dirisha..ucheki ni nani huyo anashinda akipita pita hapo..."

Kev arose, walked to the window and....i naudibly, pushed aside the curtain....

"Sioni msee....ama labda ni Caretaker...." Kev said, walking up to the door.

Discreetly, Kev opened the door.. and stepped out....

Hamida laughed again.

~ Cabu Gah

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