
Wednesday 16 July 2014

PART FOUR!! AFTER SEX; Terrorised by Lesbian Teens- high school girls. Hilirious and shocking!



Kev takes close to 5 minutes outside...No word yet...No response...

Slowly, I climbed down Hamida.. And sat up on the bed....

Maya sat up too...And started rummaging for her bra, blouse..skirt...pants...whatever...

Hamida just lay there..Unflinchingly. And as I stepped down to grab around for my pants,Hamida grabbed the blankets and covered herself.... Clutching tightly onto the thready blanket, she stuck her head out...And waited.

Mood was pensive. Its now around 4.00am in the Morning.

I stepped down and tip-toed to the door...

"Weh,Ken usitoke..." Maya admonished.

" sitoki," I assured her...inching closer to the slightly open door.

Hamida wouldn't move...she remained immobile, head stuck out of the blankets...

Outside, I saw nothing. Not even Kev.

I was still hard...And that was a.problem.

Maya dressed up and sat up on the bed...feet touching the ground.

Carefully, I stepped out....And looked around.


I turned back...and walked into the house...then I switched on the lights.

"zima ! Zima lights!" Hamida ordered.

'Ntazima Ngoja..."

"Apaana, Zima tu!" She reiterated.

I didn't.

Furiously, I stormed out,OPENING the door AS WIDE as I could.

I was apprehensive....But brave all together... As I walked towards the toilets, I thought I heard someone  sigh.

I looked back. NOTHING.

I walked on...

"Kevo....Kevo...Acha ufala....Kevo WACHA UJINGA!!! Kevooooo!!!" I called out, utterly impatient at him.

No answer.

"Fala hii Naenda kufunga Mlango! Na nko SERIOUS!!" I threatened.


I put my phone on..And trained the phone light towards the toilets.

I saw the toilet door close gently.. As if blown by a soft wind....

Kev must be in there, PRANKING ME! I thought.

Quickly putting off my phone, I stealthily trudged towards the toilet.

I stood outside for a couple seconds, gently grabbed the door handle and, swiftly, swang it OPEN!!!

" Keeeen!!! Keeeeen!!" I heard Maya call out!!

"Keeeeeeen! Ken!" the calls were frantic...and persistent.

I swing the door open, flickered my light around it and saw NOBODY.

Its now 4.30am in the Morning...I heard Dogs howling from Outside...

Quickly, I dashed towards house and before I got in, the gate OPENED.

Scared to death, I poured into the house, shut the door ASAP and flew into Bed.

Maya was there...totally covered up under the sheets...

"Hamida ako ??"

"Ametoka...Ametoka saa hii tu...." Maya said,her head still covered under the sheets.

"Ametoka??? Aje?? Kwanini?? How??? Maya WHAT IS HAPPENING??!!?" I yelled. I was scared as shit.

Door is closed. Maya won't come up from under the sheets. Hamida is GONE. And Kev is playing a sick joke!

I switched ON the lights....And realized that Hamida's Bag had been freshly opened.

And as I bent over to inspect the Bag, Maya.yelled,

" Achana Nayo!"


"Bag! Achana na hiyo Bag!" Maya commanded, sitting Up.

"Ken ACHANA NA HIYO BAG!!" she roared once more.

"Fuck it! What is HAPPENING HERE??? MAYA, WHAT IS GOING ON!?? TELL ME! DAMMIT!" I growled at Maya, totally pissed off.

"Never Mind..." Maya said,stepping out of Bed...

Its 4.50am now....In the Morning.

" FUCK YOU, Maya!!! FUUCK YOU!!! What is HAPPENING??? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???!!!" I was irredeemably enraged.

Maya looked at Me,and broke down...

She cried hard... very hard...

As Maya was crying, I heard a KNOCK...

I WONT OPEN that,I swore.


Knocking went On...

"Nifungulie Ken..." I heard Kev's voice...But the voice was pale and subdued...Weak and whispery.
I walked over to the door and opened it...

And then I SAW KEVIN. He was another person to Me!

Kev was lying on the floor.. Writhing in pain, His shirt was badly torn, His belly was scratched, His eyes were pale, Mouth was trembling and foaming and his right hand's thumb was twitching hard!!

"Maya!!! Maaaya!!! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??!! MAYAA!!" I cried out, fell over Kevin and sighed hard.

Doors stated opening. Neighbors started waking up.

One by One,Doors opened....

Neighbours started streaming out.. Others dressed in Pyjamas, Men wearing Vests and shorts, Women wrapped in Shukas and Kangas and a couple kids too....

And as a pack of Neighbours started approaching my door,


Women gasped. And Men gulped.

I cried out...Holding on to Kevin.. And inviting Neighbours into our house...

Fearfully, people started streaming into my house...

Falling over my utensils...And knocking over my Water jerrycans...

Maya stationed herself at a corner. SPEECHLESS.

Step by step, I narrated the Whole story to the curious Neighbourhood...

Kev was still laying on the bed at the floor....panting hard, grimacing and frowning uneasily.

"Na mnajua hawa wasichana?" A random Man asked.

"Hapaana...' I replied..

More people were walking into the tiny house...Others crowding at the door and windows.

"Na wako wapi hao Wasichana?" A woman asked....

"Ndiye huyu mmoja wao...." I replied, pointing at a shaken Maya.

And after almost 30 hard Minutes of concerted efforts by the miffed neighbours to EXPLAIN HERSELF or face a thorough beating, Maya obliged.

"Mlifukuziwa Nini?? Kwenu ni Wapi? Wapi Rafiki Yako???" Questions flowed steadily.


Maya CONFESSED that THEY were Not expelled for LESBIANISM. NO.

Intact, they were NOT even LESBIANS.

" sawaaa! Basi mlifukuziwa nini?? Mlifukuziwa nini msichana!!??" A neighbour yelled, grabbing Maya by her neck and shaking her violently.

And shockingly, Maya spilled the beans...

"Ni mambo ya Devil Worshipping.... Lakini...Lakini...." Maya started.

The crowd sighed hard. And whimpered.

Women walked out hastily. And Men stumbled our too...

Within a span of 3 minutes EVERYONE had walked out....ran out...streaked out in a huff.....

The whole place was plunged into a maddening frenzy...a stampede. Women were thrown into deep shock... And Men hurried away....

And one by One, DOORS WERE SHUT...Door after Door after Door...Doors were shut in a snap!

I left too...Running towards the GATE...

And as soon as EVERYONE was safely tucked into their houses,Lights came back on...

The Gate was open...And,looking down, I saw a huge, Blue Book.... With Gold inscriptions... And what appeared to.be Arabic writing...

And as I bent over to pick up the book, I heard a voice call out again,

"Achana Nayo...."

It was Hamida. And she was standing right at my door.

~Cabu Gah

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