
Friday 4 July 2014

O_CHI_YIENG tales, #Season1. Hilirious!

Teacher:-  what's wrong?

Ochieng :- our house is very small. Me, my mum, my dad, we sleep on the same bed. Every night my dad asks, 'Ochieng are you sleeping?' Then I say No & then he slaps my face & gives me a Black eye"

Teacher:- Tonite when ur dad asks again, keep dead quiet & don't answer.

(The following morning Ochieng comes back with a severe black eye again.)

Teacher:- My goodness why the
black eye again?

Ochieng:- Dad asked me again, "Ochieng are u sleeping? " & I shut up & kept dead still. Then my dad & my mom started moving, u know, at the same time Mum was breathing erratically, kicking her legs up frantically & squealing like a hyena on the bed. Then my dad asked my mum, "R u coming? Mum said, Yes I'm coming, r u coming too? Dad answered:- Yes. They don't usually go anywhere without me so I said, wait for me, I'm also coming!!!

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