
Wednesday 16 July 2014

Kabarak University emerges tops in student business competition; Maseno Third.

Kabarak University (Main Campus) was crowned the 2014 National Champion during the 12th Edition of the Enactus Kenya National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition that was held at Pride Inn Hotel (Nairobi) on July 12, 2014.

They will proceed to Beijing, China later in October for the Enactus World Cup, to battle itvout with other university teams from 37 countries worldwide.

Kabarak University (Nakuru Town Campus) clinched the second position while Maseno University was ranked third.

This is the third time Kabarak University Main Campus has clinched the National Championship title. They won in 2011 and represented Kenya in Malaysia and in 2013 in Cancun Mexico where they advanced to semi-finals at the World Cup.

The Kabarak students spent a total of 12, 800 hours to initiate 3 projects dubbed cheki, legcedes and uripest.

The cheki project focused on people with disabilities in Nakuru and Baringo counties to empower them with entrepreneurial skills in basketry, ornament making and detergent production.

The Legcedes project focused on public health to get rid of jigger menace in Baringo County.

The Uripestbproject sought to control the spread of the lethal necrosis disease in maize by developing the ‘Uripest’ pesticide. This saw the increase in maize production, profit among farmers, job creation and food security in Baringo and Nakuru Counties.

The projects impacted the lives of over 800 people directly and over 12,000 people indirectly.

The Kabarak University (Nakuru Town campus) flagship project focused on developing cooling equipment for Mogotio slaughterhouse and improved hygiene in the beef sector.

Maseno University in their "Emabungo Lumiluci" project facilitated access to solar lamps in Vihiga and Kisumu Counties.

The competition attracted over 600 students from 20 Enactus Kenya affiliate university teams (private and public). The event was also graced by Mao Yizong, Chief of Information and Public Affairs Section, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Kenya. Mr Yizong hailed the Enactus Kenya initiative for facilitatin partnerships among businesses, universities, students and communities.

He welcomed the winning team to China and asked it to be good ambassadors of Kenya.

~ Standard Digital

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