A private developer has allegedly grabbed a 150-acre piece of land that belongs to Kenyatta University. The University has written to the National Land Commission complaining the move by the developer. A statement issued by the Commission says it is investigating the issue, along with the alleged grabbing of land belonging to Langata Primary School.
“The Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Muhammad A. Swazuri, upon receiving a complaint from Kenyatta University, about alleged grabbing of 150 acres University Land by yet another private developer, visited the site as a first step towards establishing the propriety of the said land,” says the statement released by the Commission’s Communications Directorate.
It appears the Commission was forced to issue the statement after reports in the media purported the Commission has been influenced in relation to the handling of the Langata Primary School land.
“This is to affirm the independence of the Commission in execution of its functions under the Constitution, the National Land Commission Act or any other written Law. The Commission shall always execute its mandate without fear or favour.”
The Commission among other functions, manages Public Land on behalf of the National and County governments and can initiate investigations, on its own initiative or on a complaint, into present or historical Land injustices, and recommend appropriate redress.
The Commission urged the public to remain vigilant and raise alert the body over any incidents of public land grabbing.
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